Statute of the "Büsumer Karnevalsverein von 1958 e.V."
Registered in the register of associations of the local court Pinneberg under Reg. VR 493 ME

§ 1 - Name and headquarters of the association

The club bears the name "Büsumer Karnevalsverein von 1958 e.V." and has its headquarters in Büsum.

§ 2 - Purpose, tasks and charitable status of the association

(1) The purpose of the association is the promotion of traditional customs including the carnival in the municipality Büsum and environment for the benefit of local residents and tourism, the promotion of cultural usage by the design and implementation of annual carnival events, especially a carnival parade as a special social event. Likewise, the participation in carnival parades and events of friendly clubs. Another purpose of the association is the promotion of children and youth, in particular the organization of a children's carnival event with its own show, the entertainment of the children and youth guard, their equipment and the training of the dance group.

(2) The association pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes within the meaning of the section "tax-privileged purposes" of the tax code.

(3) The association is selflessly active; he does not pursue primarily self-economic purposes. Means of the association may be used only for the statutory tasks. The members do not receive payments from the association. Contributions and donations as well as other surpluses may be used exclusively and directly for the fulfillment of statutory duties.

(4) No person may be favored by expenditures which are foreign to the purpose of the association or by disproportionately high remuneration.

(5) The cooperation in the association is voluntary. No member receives a share in the club assets when leaving or dissolving the club.

(6) The association is non-political and religiously neutral.

§ 3 - Membership and fiscal year

(1) Any natural person or legal entity may become a member of the association if it intends to promote the interests and tasks of the association. The application for membership in the association must be addressed to the board, which decides on the admission.

(2) The amount of the association fee is determined by simple decision of the general meeting and announced by means of a contribution rate to each member.

(3) Membership ends

a. by death or - in the case of legal persons - by dissolution.
b. by resignation at the end of a financial year, if it has been terminated in writing to the Management Board at least 3 months in advance.
c. by exclusion in the event of damage to the association, in particular in the case of conduct that grossly runs counter to the interests of the association. An objection may be filed against the decision of the board within one month after receipt of the declaration of exclusion. Until the decision by the general meeting the rights of the member are suspended. The deletion from the list of members can be done by the board, if the member with his membership fee remains despite two reminders in arrears.

(4) The fiscal year runs from 01.04. every year until 31.03. of the following year.

§ 4 - Organs of the association

The organs of the association are

1. the general meeting
2. the board

§ 5 - General Assembly

(1) The general meeting consists of the members of the association

(2) The general meeting takes place in the second quarter of each calendar year. The tasks of the general meeting are: 1. Election of the board 2. Decision on the appointment of an excluded member 3. Acceptance of the annual report and the annual statement 4. Discharge of the board 5. Election of the cash auditors 6. Amendment of the statutes 7. Dissolution of the association

(3) The general meeting shall be invited in writing by the chairman or his deputy with a notice period of 10 days stating the agenda. Each member can apply for the agenda until the 5th day before the general meeting. This includes the request for secret ballot in elections. Applications must be submitted to the Chairman. The agenda may be supplemented or amended by majority vote of the General Assembly at the meeting; this does not apply to elections and amendments to the statutes. An Extraordinary General Assembly shall be convened by the Board or if 1/3 of the members so request. Each member entitled to vote may be represented by a written power of attorney by another member entitled to vote.

(4) The chairman of the board directs the meeting; in his case of prevention, his deputy.

(5) For votes, each active member has one vote. Abstentions are considered invalid votes. When deciding, the simple majority of the valid votes cast decides. In case of a tie, the application is considered rejected. Special provisions: Resolutions on changes to the statutes and dissolution of the association require a 2/3 majority of the valid votes cast. In elections, the one who has the most votes is elected.

(6) Minutes of the resolutions of the General Assembly shall be made, countersigned by the chairman of the meeting and by another member of the Executive Board. The minutes must be enclosed with the invitation to the next general meeting or read out and put to the vote at the next general meeting.

(7) The general meeting is generally public, but the chairman of the meeting may exclude the public on individual agenda items.

§ 6 - The Board

(1) The board belongs to:
a. the first chairman
b. the 2nd chairman
c. the treasurer
d. the secretary
e. the assessors

(2) The executive board within the meaning of § 26 BGB (legal representation) are the 1st and the 2nd chairman. The association is represented in and out of court by the 1st and 2nd chairmen each alone. The issuing of donation receipts is incumbent on the 1st chairman, in case of prevention the 2nd chairman together with the treasurer.

(3) In the event of the resignation of a member of the Executive Board, this may be supplemented by the election until the next Annual General Meeting.

(4) The term of office of the members of the Management Board a. - d. is 3 years, the other board members 2 years. In order to avoid the simultaneous departure of all members of the Executive Board, the Annual General Meeting may in part provide for different election times.

(5) Re-election - as well as personal union - is possible.

(6) The Executive Board may provisionally appoint and appoint new, necessary committees.

(7) In the event of a tie in the Executive Committee, the vote of the 1st Chairman shall always be decisive.

(8) The Board of Directors shall adopt rules of procedure in which the individual areas of responsibility are defined as precisely as possible. If necessary, this GO is to be disclosed to the active members.

(8) The Board of Directors determines the Chairman of the Meeting, his / her Deputies, the Council of Elders and the Chairmen of the Technical Committees, as well as the Prinzenpaares.

§ 7 - Changes to the Articles of Association

(1) Amendments to the Articles of Association can only be approved by the General Assembly if they are announced with the invitation.

(2) Amendments to the Articles of Association which are necessary or only of an editorial nature due to tax and other official provisions for the maintenance of charitable status may be resolved by the Executive Board.

§ 8 - Dissolution of the association

(1) The general assembly decides on the dissolution of the association. The dissolution can only be decided if it was announced at the invitation to the general meeting.

(2) In the event of the dissolution or annulment of the association or if its previous purpose ceases to exist, the assets shall go to the Protestant kindergarten "Spatzenweg" or a similar institution in Büsum, which has to use it exclusively and directly for charitable purposes.

Büsum, the 26th of July 2015
signed F.-M. Estevam Freudenberg
1. Chairman
signed Frank Rathje
2nd Chairman

This completely new statute was published on the a.o. Annual General Meeting of 26.07.2015 decided unanimously.

Copy and translation of the articles of the association in English without guarantee - articles of association in current validity (only in German) available at the managing board.